Tag: Employee Letter

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Latest Update on the Progress of Negotiations with the UAW

Published on September 13, 2023

Colleagues: As we approach the expiration of our contract with the UAW, I wanted to give you an update on where we are with negotiations. Since Monday, we have continued to meet with the UAW subcommittees to resolve outstanding issues, proof that we can work together to find solutions on tough subjects. We also passed […]

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Update on the Progress of Negotiations with the UAW 

Published on September 11, 2023

Colleagues: I am writing today with an update on the progress of our contract negotiations with the UAW. Our bargaining team was hard at work over the weekend meeting with the UAW. There was good energy among both teams and great momentum to reach an agreement as we head into the final days before the […]

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Employee Letter: UAW Negotiations Update

Published on August 11, 2023

Colleagues,   With a month under our belt, I wanted to share some perspective and facts with you about our ongoing negotiations with the UAW.  I was incredibly disappointed to see Mr. Fain’s online communication earlier this week. It does not fairly represent what is happening in these negotiations. The theatrics and personal insults will not […]

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